2023, Issue 6: Massage & Bodywork Magazine November-December 2023


Massage & Bodywork magazine promotes professionalism among practitioners and stimulates healthy dialogue about the field, while remaining mindful of the breadth of bodywork backgrounds, beliefs, and modalities. In this issue, we explore diabetes, its complications, and its implications for massage therapy, as well as some hands-on protocols for working with elderly clients with diabetes. Also in this issue is a self-care article on preserving your thumbs, a look at one therapist’s journey from war to wellness, information on the newly discovered fifth quad muscle, treating rotator cuff disorders, addressing back pain, the anatomy of scar tissue, and reducing fat bias in the treatment room.

The Nov/Dec 2023 issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine features contributions from various authors including Laura Allen, Dawn Castiglione, Cal Cates, Rachelle Clauson, Erik Dalton, Allison Denney, Allissa Haines, Lance Hostetter, David Lesondak, Lynette Lombardo, Whitney Lowe, Douglas Nelson, Karrie Osborn, Heath and Nicole Reed, Nicole Trombley, Ruth Werner, and Cindy Williams.


In this issue, we explore diabetes, its complications, and its implications for massage therapy, as well as some hands-on protocols for working with elderly clients with diabetes. Also in this issue is a self-care article on preserving your thumbs, a look at one therapist’s journey from war to wellness, information on the newly discovered fifth quad muscle, treating rotator cuff disorders, addressing back pain, the anatomy of scar tissue, and reducing fat bias in the treatment room.

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