Diana Thompson


Diana Thompson, a licensed massage therapist for nearly 35 years, has a private practice in Seattle, Washington, treating acute and chronic pain disorders and specializing in postoperative care. She is the author of a new book, Integrative Pain Management: Massage, Movement, and Mindfulness Based Practices; authored Hands Heal: Communication, Documentation and Insurance Billing for Manual Therapists, and wrote a regular column in Massage and Bodywork magazine, titled Somatic Research, from 2010-2013. She has just launched her next iteration of medical documentation with a web-based version: Hands Heal Electronic Health Records. Diana lectures at massage, acupuncture, midwifery, chiropractic, physician, and physical therapy conferences internationally, and is a consultant for massage therapy research with The Research Institute at Group Health Cooperative in Seattle. She is a past president of the Massage Therapy Foundation, and the proud recipient of many national honors. Learn more at www.handshealehr.com.