Fibromyalgia syndrome is the second-most commonly diagnosed musculoskeletal disorder in the United States—only osteoarthritis is diagnosed more often. Yet, little is well understood about this common condition—including that it turns out NOT to be a musculoskeletal disorder. This course examines current thinking about the etiology of fibromyalgia and implications for the safe and effective practice of massage therapy for our clients who live with this challenging condition. This course was featured during the 2018 ABMP CE Summit: Common Client Conditions.
Fibromyalgia syndrome is the second-most commonly diagnosed musculoskeletal disorder in the United States—only osteoarthritis is diagnosed more often. Yet, little is well understood about this common condition—including that it turns out NOT to be a musculoskeletal disorder. This course examines current thinking about the etiology of fibromyalgia and implications for the safe and effective practice of massage therapy for our clients who live with this challenging condition.
"I am a massage therapist who has lived with fibromyalgia for over 25 years. The information in this course was not only valuable for treating my clients with it, but also for myself. Thank you."